Vintage 2015: Plenitude


2015 ensured peace and serenity to all winegrowers.

Spring was wonderful and the budbreak, quick and even, was the first factor in the vintage’s overall regularity. The weather was warm and dry, with ideal conditions during the crucial phases of flowering and fruit set. June and July were marked by intense heat and the total absence of rain. Drought set in and caused moderate water stress that called a halt to vegetative growth. Providential showers in late July brought on quick véraison (colour change).

The vines were manicured and healthy looking from August until the end of the harvest with a magnificent leaf canopy and well-distributed bunches of deeply-coloured grapes. Cool weather in August helped preserve the aromatic potential of the grapes. The harvest looked fantastic. Picking took place on 9 days and 6 half days. The consistency of the quality in every plot is the hallmark of a truly fine vintage. The Merlots have structure, fruit, colour and concentration. The Cabernets are powerful and racy, with the smoothness they are known for in great vintages.

The outstanding weather in 2015 resulted in fruity, deeply-coloured wines with great balance and excellent structure. Made from perfectly ripe fruit, they show harmony and a remarkable underlying softness.

Harvest: September 15th – October 8th
Château Haut-Bailly blend: 60% Cabernet Sauvignon – 36% Merlot – 4% Petit Verdot
La Parde Haut-Bailly blend: 30% Cabernet Sauvignon – 60% Merlot – 10% Cabernet Franc