Our vintages

Vintage 2001 : An Elegant Vintage

On the eve of the 2001 harvest, the potential of the grapes seemed better than for the 2000: the berries were small and powerfully concentrated which led us to expect a remarkable vintage. The vines had been meticulously looked after right through the spring and summer: working the soil, trimming at a height adapted to each plot, the more advanced varieties were flagged to distinguish them from those which ripen later, strong thinning of the crop with only 6 bunches left per vine. The crop will be reduced to a mere 39 hectoliters per hectare of which of course only a proportion will be given the main Château Haut-Bailly label. Picking began on September 24th with the parcels of young Merlots and finished on October 11 with the Cabernets Sauvignons. The grapes were in a healthy state with thick skins and picking was carried out with infinite precaution: all the bunches were turned over and checked before being laid out on the sorting table where the team discarded any blemished grapes which might have managed to get through. The wines appear to be exceptionally good: the Merlots are rich in colour, fruit and tannin. The Cabernets give the impression of consistency, elegance and richness. This is a long-term vintage which should show character, vivacity and lustre.

Harvest: September 24th – October 11th   
Château Haut-Bailly blend: 65% Cabernet Sauvignon – 35% Merlot
La Parde Haut-Bailly blend: 55% Cabernet Sauvignon – 25% Merlot – 20% Cabernet Franc